The feedback from the other groups was mostly positive which was nice given that this was new technology for all of us. It is interesting to get feedback since some comments thought that the basic went too slow but others folks didn't know anything about EXCEL and thought the pacing was good. Also, some people liked that we left a "mistake" in and commented about fixing it while other people didn't like that and thought it should have been redone. Also, some one did not like that the advanced topics were split into 3 separate pieces. There was a suggestion for an additional topic (sorting) too. The feedback was good in that it provided other ideas to think about.
I thought that the word and power point screencasts were good and useful too. I actually went back and looked at the power point to use something that I had not done before in a presentation that I was creating. If we have the ability to use microsoft office in the classroom I would like to use these. I think that it is goos to have some thing that students can refer back to as different students will pick things up at different speeds.
Any student could benefit from the screencasts. They could just be a review for some but for others they could learn a new task. The steps are clear and easy to follow along and there is voice to describe what is going on too. Also that students could refer back as much or as little as they need is a great benefit too.
I would very much like to be able to use screencasts in the classroom. Once one is created it can be used for not just that class but future classes and other screencasts can be added and created too.
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