Vicki allows groups of students to choose and teach topics that she might not even understand. She mentions that a group taught themselves Terraform and then she learned about it with the rest of the class. They had created and changed avatars which was something they learned with out her assistance.
It was also interesting that she does not feel the need to explain every detail that she talks about. If they don't understand a word that she uses, she expects that they have the ability to google that term an gain an understanding. This is so powerful in that they are learning to trust themselves to learn and not expect that knowledge will just be handed out to them. It is also like building on their "zone of proximal" development that Vygotsky believes in. She lets them build from where they are with out leading them there, but letting them take themselves there.
Question -
Has letting the students learn something that you don't already know about ever back fired in that it caused problems that you had not anticipated and did not lead to an effective learning experience?
Laura, great question. I've got one for you. How do you see Vicki's pedagogy influencing her students' sense of relatedness and/or what Pink refers to as their "purpose" i.e. their Drive? Also, strong work connecting Vygotsky's ZPD with your reflection on Deci & Ryan's SDT.